Lecture 1 – Introduction
Welcome to the page for the first lecture! Each lecture will come with a page like this that summarizes the readings you should complete beforehand, along with any handouts for the day and code examples and notes from the lecture.
Session plan:
- 2-3 min: Introduce instructors/staff
- 25 min: syllabus
- Lectures
- Discussions
- Stepik
- Programming Assignments
- Exams
- Lecture/Discussion Participation
- Getting Help
- Schedule
- Lecture 1 and 2 pages
- #FinAid Survey in Canvas (due ASAP)
- Asking questions
- Piazza - preferred
- Email - personal issues
- Canvas messages - never
- 5 min: q/a
- 15 min: Handout
Before the first lecture, there are no videos to watch. You should familiarize yourself with the syllabus.
The handout for the first day has a few questions for us to use as icebreakers and to start talking about programming. You can access the PDF directly on Google Drive to download it.